Tuesday, February 18, 2020

International HRM Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

International HRM - Case Study Example Globalization is a process of interaction and integration among the people, companies, and governments of different nations, a process driven by international trade and investment and aided by information technology. This process has effects on the environment, on culture, on political systems, on economic development and prosperity, and on human physical well-being in societies around the world. (Website: http://www.globalization101.org/What_is_Globalization.html Globalization makes use of modern technological advancements and also focuses on the quick transfer of technology, to keep with the changing world. Therefore, Globalization is a phenomenon that charges towards progress and engulfs the whole world, in this process. The development in technology has led to the process of Cloning and other artificial forms of life. Today, we have hybrid varieties of fruits and vegetables being imported from various parts of the world; which truly symbolises globalization. The widespread Globalization has led to the free movement and transfer of goods, capital, technology and people, from one hemisphere to the other. Therefore, there is an influx of numerous commodities across the globe. BACKGROUND INFORMATION International Human Resources Management has gained immense importance today, thanks to the development of foreign policies, foreign relations and globalisation. Foreign Trade has received great impetus due to these factors and companies looking towards expanding their organisations are employing norms and policies to facilitate proper monitoring and maintenance of their employees. Due to growth in commerce and management, strategy planning and execution has become an integral part of organisation. Due to this, International Human Resources Management has come to the forefront. International Human Resources Management seeks to lay down common rules, solutions to problems and personnel management systems to help this new phase of global expansion transform into a success story and to help organisations adapt and procure better results. Working in a country that one is not familiar with, is a great challenge in itself. More so, when it involves the establishment of a branch office of your company or deals with the successful initiation of an extension of your company, in a scenario completely different from the one you are familiar with. Heading these operations that delve into international horizons and expansion plans of your company build up more responsibility that needs to be fulfilled, on your part. Therefore, a great amount of thought-processing and execution must go down into such plans, before embarking on a conclusion. Appar8tus is a US-owned company that has been producing medical tools used in surgery since 1972 and has

Monday, February 3, 2020

According to Nietzsche, what did good and bad originally man in early Essay

According to Nietzsche, what did good and bad originally man in early heroic Western society Who (according to Nietzsche) re-valued this original meaning and changed it into good and evil What - Essay Example That is, ‘good’ was linked with the superior, privileged and noble, whereas ‘bad’ was linked with the common low and working-class (Guay, 96). Nevertheless, the offspring of the low class started resenting being inferior; they started resenting being ‘bad.’ Their hatred towards the upper-class led to a â€Å"radical changing of their ideals. Meaning ‘good’ and ‘bad’ started to reverse in meaning so that now ‘good’ defined the common, poor low, and inferior, whereas ‘bad’ now was for the powerful, rich, privileged and superior. In this manner, the deprived, sick, helpless and poor became virtuous, whereas the superior, noble and wealthy became wicked (Guay, 96). This transformation of values is likely when the hatred of the lesser classes for the powerful turns out to be so huge that they get reparation just in imagining or building a diverse moral system. It is this building of a contrasting moral system that is referred by Nietzsche as the slave morality. Thus, so that the powerless can have a better feeling of the circumstances that they are in, they build a morality for themselves, which is a slave morality, where the lesser are ‘good’ while the dominant are ‘evil.’ Nietzsche expresses his dissatisfaction with the psychologists who have attempted to give the origin of morality. They say that they are historians of morality; however they do not have a historical spirit. Their theories propose that originally individuals gain from altruism actions of others would applaud the actions and refer to them as ‘good.’ That means, what was initially ‘good’ and useful were taken as one and the same. With time, the genealogists propose, that the original association be forgotten, and the habit of referring to altruism actions ‘good’ resulted to the conclusion that they were somehow good of and in themselves (Guay, 97). Nietzsche does not agree with this account. He